Roasted cauliflower popcorn


Cauliflower (Photo credit: La Grande Farmers' Market)

This is a super-easy recipe for a dish that is beloved in our family! It goes really quickly.

I usually use white – OK, always. That’s what I have. But I love how colorful the heads in the picture are!

On the the recipe:

Check and wash 1 head of cauliflower, cut into small pieces. Place in a single layer on a cookie sheet, sprinkle with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil, and roast at 400F. After about 20 minutes, shake the pan and roast another 10 minutes or until done (cauliflower should brown slightly and shrink).

Or you can add other spices, like cumin and zaatar, a la overtime cook, and make a zaatar roasted cauliflower.

Super good!

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