Spiritual preparations for Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah is the start of our year. It’s the beginning of the time of judgment. It’s a spiritual high point!

Every year, as I go through the task of physically preparing for the holidays, it seems like spiritual preparations for me fall by the wayside. Yes, there is something spiritual about preparing the house and the food. I absolutely find fulfillment in doing such domestic duties!

But what about inspiration? What about real growth?

I can’t answer what a person needs for anyone but me. But please, remember to take some time out and prepare mentally and spiritually for these days of awe that are coming. Go to a shiur, read a good book on something inspiring, give extra tzedaka with concentration, find some online articles to ponder (see this post for more ideas). Do something!

Chabad, which has great information on everything Jewish online, has a RH page you can visit to get started. (I’m not Chabad, but I am a fan of their work!)

Permanent link to this article: https://organizedjewishhome.com/2011/09/09/spiritual-preparations-for-rosh-hashanah/

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