Ready-made busy bag: pattern blocks

Here is a ready made “busy bag” that my kids adore. It is just shape and pattern copying, but it it has bright colors and the possibility to do your own work, which my kids enjoyed. They loved this set, and say they would recommend it! 😉 For a younger crowd, here is the beginner pattern block set. Each of these run about $15 to just buy, although if you wait for Melissa and Doug sales or find them at another store with a coupon or deal, you can find it for less.

Here how we got started: DS5 opened the box and started to work.

 DS2 promptly joined him, shouting “okagon, okagon!”

Ds5 completed several patterns

So did Ds2 (kind of!)

Ds 7 wanted to join in the fun, but did three at a time!

Ds7 went off on his own and built some fantastic shapes, like this rocket:

Fun was had by all! And like most things in this house, it later dissolved into building (which is educational, too, right?)


We recommend this set, especially for 3-6 year olds. Ds7 had fun, but it isn’t really a challenge and not long-term. DS2 was interested for about 20 minutes, and then he started building. With more guidance, he would have been engaged for longer, so for 2 year olds, this can work, too! Here is the set:

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