Behar-Bechukotai: Resources and ideas

This week, we have another double parsha. We learn the laws of the years, including the Shemitah laws every 7 years and the laws of the Jubilee year (every 50). We are told that Hashem will protect and remember us, but if we don’t  obey we will receive a harsh punishment (exile).

Links: Here are the Aish (second),, and Chabad pages on BeharBechukotai. Here are some coloring sheets, a parsha song/Behukotai, and a fun video from Itche Kadoozy (my older boys love this silly series).

Math Mark

Math! This would be a good week to work on the 7 times table, or count by 50s, or work on writing 7 – whatever works for your kids.

Make peanut butter mountains



Try a shemittah parsha cake.


(not this week’s parsha, but an example)


See some parsha copywork, a poem, and more at Adventures in Mama-land

Any other ideas?

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