Korach: Resources and ideas

English: Almonds starting to grow, Gran Canaria

In this week’s parsha, a man named Korach leads a rebellion against Moshe and Aharon. He and some others challenge the leadership. In addition, 250 followers bring a spice offering to show they should be Kohenim, too. In response, the earth swallows the rebel leaders and fire consumes the ketoret bringers. Then, bnei Yisrael complains about the deaths and Hashem sends a plague. It is stopped by Aharon bringing the (right) ketoret offering, and when every tribe brings a stick to the mishkan, Aharon’s staff miraculously blooms with flowers, buds, and almonds to show Hashem has ordained him. Last, we get the laws of gifts to the Kohenim.

Links: Here are the Aish, Torah.org, and Chabad pages on Korach. Here are some coloring sheets, a parsha song, and a fun video from Itche Kadoozy. Here is some parsha copywork in two levels of difficulty and also from Adventures in Mama-land, check out this overviewAnd here is a kid-friendly podcast on jealousy in Korach.

Other ideas:

Serve almonds! Either alone or in a dish, like this almond chickenalmond rice pilaf, or almond cookies (may have to sub out some dairy ingredients if you want parve).

Make the blooming stick using paper towel rolls

or a real stick – my kids have a significant stash of those everywhere we go!

Check out this parsha cake, with the earth swallowing people

Faience measuring cup used for measuring food ...

Read about the idea of mida k’negged mida in the parsha

Try out these cool parsha skills worksheets. (Scroll down past the list of parshiot to find the worksheets).

What are you up to this week?

Permanent link to this article: https://organizedjewishhome.com/2012/06/19/korach-resources-and-ideas/

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