Re’eh / Re’ay: Resources and ideas

In this week’s parsha, Moshe continues his speech to Bnei Yisrael. Again, there is a blessing and a curse offered depending on observance of mitzvot. The Temple is identified as the only place for offerings, and a lot of the laws of kashrut are given or reviewed here: which birds and fish are kosher, how to give a portion of produce, and firstborn animals for the kohenim. Some laws of the sabbatical year and jewish servants are reviewed. And last, the tree pilgrimage festivals are listed; Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot.

LinksHere are the, and Chabad pages on Re’eh. Here are some coloring sheets, a parsha song, and a fun video from Itche Kadoozy.


It seems many of the bloggers who do pasha projects are on vacation. Please share your ideas!

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    • Starr on August 4, 2013 at 9:49 am

    My kids made the two mountains and the river from three types of mashed potatoes. Mashed sweet potatoes for the ground and mountains, mashed white potatoes for the peaks and purple Peruvian potatoes for the river. They added broccoli for trees. 🙂

    I also came up with a game for sorting clean and unclean stuffed animals into different laundry baskets (little boys like to throw things).
    Starr recently posted..Bless You and Keep YouMy Profile

      • Amital on August 4, 2013 at 10:50 am

      Great ideas! And yes, I’m very familiar with little boys and throwing. And my now 2 year old dd has found a love of throwing, too. 😉

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