Vayeira: Hospitality (and links)


Welcome (Photo credit: Cherry Crimson)

You have probably been reading or following along with the destruction from Superstorm Sandy. I hope everyone is safe and warm. I just read about our shul (synagogue) bussing people down from NY and NJ to spend Shabbat as guests with heat and power. What an amazing mitzva, and so appropriate for this week!

This week’s parsha is Parshat Vayeira (Here are all the parsha ideas and links from this week – the parsha tab above has a link to each of the weekly parshiot). We learn about Avraham Avinu (the biblical Abraham) as a man whose generosity and kindness are legendary. And that certainly seems like something we want to aspire to!

This week, we didn’t do a physical parsha project. However, we did talk about chesed (kindness) and hachnassat orchim (hosting guests). We had an American family with small children move in next door, and we spent a good deal of time helping them learn the ropes. My kids played with their kids, who are much younger, let them borrow favorite toys, and entertained while I helped their mother with more practical things.

So no parsha project to hang on the wall this week, but plenty of practical learning.


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