21 Days: Avoiding Negativity

The final computer-generated Yoda as seen in t...

“Do or do not. There is no try!”

Yes, the wisdom of Master Yoda is the first thing that popped into my head when I read today’s info page. Now I’m not a real Star Wars fan, but even I know that quote. And today, the book says:

“Try” may not seem like a negative thought word, but it really is! When you use the word “try,” you are telling yourself that you don’t really believe in your ability to get the job done. In your mind, you’ve already failed, and you’re accounting for your failure with your word choice.

Something to think about. In addition, positive people can build you up while negative people can pull you down. It’s important to surround yourself with people who are upbeat, encouraging, and working with you, not trying to tear you down.

Assignment 1: Small Habit

I still have a cleared off desk. Yay!

Assignment 2: Continue with Life Hack

I did a much better job of wiping and sweeping today – you should have seen the full dustpan I got last night. Today, it was nice to come downstairs to a clean kitchen. Not that it stayed that way for long of course, but that’s another post…

Assignment 3: Mega-Project

Today I worked out our menu for Shabbat and a looser menu for the next month. I think I’ve got a better handle on our menu planning after this week of working on little steps. I’ll be moving on to the tougher stuff (daily routine – yikes!) soon, but for now, it’s nice to be on top of part of our day again.

A little on my current method of menu planning: I usually do a themed menu, so each day has a little guidance about what the meal might be, but I can still choose within the season, pantry status, and our mood. Here’s what my current themed plan looks like:

  • Monday: CORN (Clean Out Refrigerator Night)
  • Tuesday: New recipe / Mexican
  • Wednesday: ? (Today was lentils and rice – that’s what I had and was in the mood for.)
  • Thursday: Pasta (dairy)
  • Friday: Shabbat
  • Saturday: Shabbat
  • Sunday: ? / Pizza

How are things going with you?

Welcome back to the 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life challenge. (See what the big deal is here, and buy the book to follow along here.)

Permanent link to this article: https://organizedjewishhome.com/2012/11/07/21-days-avoiding-negativity/

1 comment

    • travel on November 9, 2012 at 8:06 am

    think that is the best article thet i have read

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