Purim planning

We’re less than a month from Purim, and I’m starting to get back in a rhythm here. Time to start thinking about Purim things!

Costumes: (I got some after Halloween, and we’ll probably do something with the boys together. My 2 yo daughter will want to be a princess, like every other day. 😉 And I don’t think dh and I will dress up this year – it seems to be something adults don’t do around here.

Megilla readings: It’s tricky for those with little children since you have to hear every word. It usually involves a little juggling, but definitely some planning ahead of time.

Mishloach Manot: At least 2 different items from 2 different categories, a minimum of one per adult. We’re doing giant jelly bean jars and bottles of wine for our fancier ones, and the kids will put together others for their friends. As much as I love doing themes and fun things, with all the hospital visits and international moves we’ve done recently, we’re going with simple this year.

Seuda: Fancy meal on Purim itself. We’ve done Indian food for the past two years (very traditional, right?). I’m going to get planning once we see about guests.

Education: I’m working on planning what we’re going to do with the kids. I’m working on a post about that (BN)!

Have you started thinking about Purim yet?


Permanent link to this article: https://organizedjewishhome.com/2014/02/19/purim-planning/


    • Shaindy on February 21, 2014 at 3:11 pm

    welcome back to blogging! Today was the day I realized that Purim is coming much sooner than I thought! My boys are dressing up as clowns (as per their requests), we’ll do a simple shalach manos and go away for the seuda! Not sure about Megilla reading yet, but there’s plenty of time for that, isn’t there?

      • Amital on February 22, 2014 at 2:31 pm

      Thanks Shaindy! We’re back overseas and finally leaving “survival mode” to get back to “real life.” We live in an area with very, very limited readings, so I have to jump on that. But most people probably don’t have to yet!
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