Category: Mommyhood

Simple kids party ideas

I keep running across articles on how to plan a crazy all-out kiddo party. I recently read one about a very complicated and expensive birthday bash…for a one year old. I look at the beautiful pictures and think how nice they are, and part of me longs to do that crazy stuff, too. Some of …

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Passover project ideas for kids

As Passover is getting closer and closer, I want to give you some project ideas for kids. I’ve been saving these up for months, so there is a good selection! Of course, many projects focus on the plagues (this is always the case, and a little disturbing to me!), but there are many other ideas. …

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Color coding the kids

Well, OK, not the actual kids themselves. I mentioned my kids’ colors last week in my packing post, and someone asked what that meant. So now I’ll explain. 🙂 My kids each have a color for some of their things. This makes it easier to tell whose towel is whose… or whose water bottle needs …

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When Mommy goes down for the count…

You may have noticed it’s been a quiet few days here on OJH. I do try to post most days. But it has been a few days, and I have a good reason to share with you. I started feeling sick on Wednesday, and spent Thursday from the wee hours of the morning in so …

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Making matza with kids (and recipe)

Today we made matza (unleavened bread) for parshat Bo and Shabbat meals this week. We had a fun time making it, but can definitely appreciate buying it for Passover instead of having to make it ourselves with so much pressure. We managed to make it in 18 minutes in small batches, but we didn’t make …

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Imperfect perfection; who needs it?

The world is a messy, disorganized place. The human world at least – Hashem’s creation is amazingly complex and perfect. There it is. The “P” word. Perfect. I’m the kind of girl who longs for perfection. In fact, I think that many of us long for perfection. The perfect evening, the perfect spouse, the perfect …

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FAQ: Do your children have heads? (AKA why don’t you post their pictures?)

This one is a little tongue-in-cheek – obviously.:) I am blessed with 4 beautiful children, BH. And they are the testers for the busy bags, the subjects of the homeschooling posts, and the inspiration for almost every other post. But if you look at the photos I’ve included of these cuties, you will see only …

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The importance of our Jewish Homes

It all started for me with parshat Vayetzei. In this parsha, Yaakov sleeps in the place that will become the Beit haMikdash, and upon waking, exclaims, “…surely God is in this place and I did not know it…. How awesome is this place. This is none other than God’s House, and this is the Gateway …

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Keeping younger kids busy

We all  have times we need to keep younger children busy independently – while you work or homeschool, or simply take a break from the court jester life. How do you do it? There are tons of ways to direct kids when they need some inspiration. Really, it’s just limited by your creativity, patience, and …

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Homemade play-dough (recipe)

This is a great, easy recipe. And it’s kosher and edible–not yummy, but not poisonous, either, should anyone try it. Kids love to help make it, and it’s a one pot wonder! Homemade play-dough (makes about 4 cans of the store-bought stuff) 2 C flour 1 C salt 4 t cream of tartar 2 C …

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