Category: Laundry

A family closet: how it works in our rental house

Remember when I wrote about our laundry system and family closet…oh, say, two years ago? We’ve moved twice since then, and since it’s working so well, we kept the system with just a few tweaks. We moved back to the US temporarily so I could have baby number 5. There are bedrooms on one floor …

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Recent projects and OJH fun

I was diagnosed with pneumonia last week after a lingering tummy bug, so it’s been a while since I’ve posted, but I’ve still been doing lots of projects in the house. Are you wondering what we’re up to here? Laundry: Remember my laundry system? Basically one load a day, folded and put into one basket …

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52 Week Challenge Week 6: Laundry room and system

Have you been following the challenges? I have received some e-mails about them from readers, but am always looking for your feedback. Is there some challenge you’d like to read more about? Laundry is the bane of many people’s existence. I see posts on mountains of laundry everywhere, even from people who have it together …

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A laundry system that works

One thing I do a lot of lately is laundry! With 4 small kids (3 of whom love dirt), 2 adults, and various towels, bedding, and miscellaneous items (tablecloths!), we end up doing at least 1 load most days. And with a split level and lots of stairs, it is a lot of work to …

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