Category: General Life

In my kitchen today…

Wow. The kitchen gets a lot of use in my house! Inspired by several blogs that have chronicled their kitchen for a day, I’ve decided to open my kitchen to readers, too. All 4 kids are home all day (BH!) and we’re often doing things together. Here’s our Tuesday (and a loose recipe!) We served …

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Where’s Amital?

Remember that old series “Where’s Waldo?” I’ve been pretty quiet these last few weeks here on OJH. It’s been kind of like the calm after the storm – after we moved to a new continent and got most of the way settled in, I’ve just been in kind of a slump. There has been so …

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“Magic” drinks (kid’s party ideas)

Remember how I wrote about simple party ideas and gave a peek into one of our birthday parties? Here is another quick and easy thing I did for that magic trick party that was a hit. I took a few packets of koolaid we had lying around (I usually use it for scent and a …

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A simple and FUN kid’s party

You know how I wrote before about simple kids’ birthday party ideas? Here are some photos of a real party we had this spring. Not as slick and glossy as those perfect parties you read about, but the kids had a fantastic time! For my older son’s party (with 3 guests plus his brothers), we …

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Simple kids party ideas

I keep running across articles on how to plan a crazy all-out kiddo party. I recently read one about a very complicated and expensive birthday bash…for a one year old. I look at the beautiful pictures and think how nice they are, and part of me longs to do that crazy stuff, too. Some of …

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Organize your garden!

How does your garden grow? You probably have a garden planned if you are going to put one in. We actually had grown and harvested romaine and herbs, and had broccoli and cauliflower growing in our garden when we moved from our house. Last year, we had hot and sweet peppers, tomatoes, and melon. But …

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Back to our regularly scheduled programming

…some time soon. You may have notice it’s quieter than usual here at OJH. I know you’re desperately missing some posts. At least that’s what I’m telling myself! 😉 Well, we are moving. We’re leaving this country for dh’s job. And getting a household ready to move internationally, and then taking care of the myriad …

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Days to remember

Yom Hashoah just passed, and without a blurb here. Why? It’s really a time best handled individually. With young kids, there isn’t a lot of detail here in my home. It’s more a feeling. And I  don’t have good ideas for passing on the horrors that happened to future generations. I don’t know if they …

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Packing for a Shabbat away (for 6 people!)

We have spent two of the past three Shabbatot in a neighboring community, one on not much notice – like a few hours. And really, the packing was pretty quick, and coming home and unpacking even easier. Want to know how we did it? Each person’s complete outfit was laid out (down to underwear and …

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52 week challenge, Week11: Purim review, and check/organize little used areas

Purim is behind us! This is the time when many people really focus on getting ready for our next major holiday: Pesach. But first, let’s close our SBB notes on Purim 2012. If you haven’t started a document for Purim, now is the time to start. List who you delivered to (and received from) for …

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