Category: Homeschooling

A day in the homeschooled life…

You may be wondering what  day looks like in my house with my 4 kids home all day. A quick review: I have a 7 year old (2nd grade), a 4.5 year old (pre-k, some k work), a 2 year old and a 4 month old. My kids are (mostly) in charge of checking and …

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Beautiful leaves, fruit, and vegetable art for our Sukkah!

Today, the older boys and I made some melted crayon shaving crafts for decorating our sukkah. They look really nice! Here’s the lowdown: Start by peeling and  shaving your crayons. We used our cheap craft table knives. (Do not use a pencil sharpener, though. It may seem like a good idea, but if you do …

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Sitting on your hands is hard…

This morning, ds7 and I wrote out his weekly plan (my kids get weekly assignments and then plan out when they’ll do what using this Kid’s weekly planner). He chose to set a heavy workload for himself today since it was raining (he couldn’t go outside) and he wanted to be sure he had enough …

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Chores for kids…with simcha!

Chores are important for kids. They are  part of the family, and part of being part of a family is help out! But giving the chores to kids doesn’t necessarily mean the adult in charge gets to take the day off and lounge in an easy chair. It actually takes more time to “train” the …

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One of those days…

I find it helpful to reread my reasons for homeschooling every now and again, especially on days like this. 🙂 Yes, it’s been one of those days. I’ve been feeling sick, thanks to the cold and tummy bugs around our house for the last week or so, and today, everyone has been grumpy. We had …

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Homeschooling this year (2011-2012)

I am a fan of Montessori methodology. I love enabling the kids to do for themselves! So that is really what I aim for. This is an overview of my system for this year. I’ll update with what I’m using for what subject in a future post. This year, I have a 2nd grader (ds7) …

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The other homeschooling socialization

One major concern that people bring up about homeschooling is socialization. I don’t think that is usually a problem with the playdates and homeschooling groups out there. Kids do not exist in a kid vacuum! (Sorry, I couldn’t help it. That was what popped up as a suggested picture for this post…) But there is …

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Why homeschool?

I am blessed to be home full time with three small, energetic, and amazingly bright boys. My oldest is 6, and is in first grade–at home. On some days, I ask myself “Why?” Why do I do this to myself? “Everyone” else gets a break with their kids at school, to run errands without toting …

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