Category: Organization

Rosh Hashanah countdown

As we are approaching Rosh Hashanah, it’s time for things to get done! Cleaning, preparing guest space, shopping, and cooking food are just some of the things to consider. My list for my Rosh Hashanah countdown to-do list is here: RH 2011 plan. It’s in a word doc so you can adjust it to fit …

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A detailed plan for Rosh Hashanah: start at the end (Tishrei 2011 part 3)

Rosh Hashanah is the first of the holidays in Tishrei, and having a detailed plan for Rosh Hashanah helps you get it under control and done so you can enjoy the holiday. In part 1, we talked about preparation and in part 2, we talked more about menu planning. Now were moving on to how …

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Planning Tishrei on a budget (Tishrei 2011 part 1)

Planning Tishrei on a budget can really be tricky, can’t it? That includes Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shmeni Atzerest, and Simchat Torah–lots of holidays! In my family, I have a regular monthly food budget. This month, it’s going to be significantly increased because of all of the holidays and guests! The additional expense is …

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How do you prepare for Shabbat?

My goal is to go into Shabbat (or Shabbos!) in a relaxed and peaceful way, but with four small kids, that doesn’t always happen! I give it the best chance possible by doing as much in advance as I can, and of course, by making lists. First, I make a menu–usually on Sunday. This is …

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My #1 organizing tip

…is to have a book for your household! Whatever you call it (control journal, homemaker handbook, shalom bayit book, family manager notebook), this is a crucial book for keeping your household running smoothly. I call this my shalom bayit book (SBB). Shalom bayit is Hebrew for peace in the house – which is what we …

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The recipe hunt is on! (Rosh Hashanah planning: 3 weeks out)

Time to get thinking about Rosh Hashanah more seriously. I have done most of the things on my early prep list. That means clothing and pjs ordered for the kids, seats bought, etc. I still have to buy things for me–that’s one of the hardest things, I think! Now it’s time to menu plan! On …

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Chores for kids…with simcha!

Chores are important for kids. They areĀ  part of the family, and part of being part of a family is help out! But giving the chores to kids doesn’t necessarily mean the adult in charge gets to take the day off and lounge in an easy chair. It actually takes more time to “train” the …

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I love my lemonader!

OK, that’s my laminator to all you non-4 year olds out there. I bought one last year, and it was a great investment. I personalize something for myself and then laminate it and two great things happen: 1. It doesn’t get destroyed and 2. I can use dry erase markers on it and erase and …

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Food challenge!

We have been blessed with food. Lots of food! Add that to the fact that I tend to stock stuff away and then have a harder time using it, and you’ll see why I need to challenge myself several times a year to use what we have. OK, not only what we have. We still …

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20 bag challenge

Simplify! I want to get rid of the extra stuff in my family’s life and lighten our load. We donate things that still have life in them, and I am also starting to sell things on Ebay and Craigslist. It feels so good to get rid of excess clutter. I’m not going to be using …

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