Category: Organization

52 week challenge Week 18: Grocery shopping

N Grocery shopping is important to get under control because we can easily end up spending a lot of our budgeted funds feeding the troops. Some targeted attention can almost always reduce the number unless you are already cutting to the bone–but  for most of us (thank Gd!) we don’t have to. What kind of …

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Keep an eye out for Passover sales!

We’re most of the way through Passover now, and retailers know that. They are starting to mark down Passover food and items like seder plates. They don’t want to store them away from the year – but maybe you do! If you need any Judaica items for Passover (seder plate, brocade set, tablecloth, Eliyahu’s cup), …

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Color coding the kids

Well, OK, not the actual kids themselves. I mentioned my kids’ colors last week in my packing post, and someone asked what that meant. So now I’ll explain. 🙂 My kids each have a color for some of their things. This makes it easier to tell whose towel is whose… or whose water bottle needs …

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Packing for a Shabbat away (for 6 people!)

We have spent two of the past three Shabbatot in a neighboring community, one on not much notice – like a few hours. And really, the packing was pretty quick, and coming home and unpacking even easier. Want to know how we did it? Each person’s complete outfit was laid out (down to underwear and …

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Reminder: Check your emergency preparations (and batteries!)

(For the US – other countries are later!) Every time the time changes, it’s time to change the batteries in your smoke alarms and check your carbon monoxide detectors! Just a friendly reminder to help keep you safe. If you have an emergency kit (and you really should!), now is the time to review that, …

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Guest letter

This week, we’re working on our guest areas. (See more about the challenges here). We are often blessed with guests, and have a good space for sleepover guests, too. Because we have a little bit of a funky lighting system and some other quirky things (no, I’m not referring to the kids here!), plus want …

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Passover is coming: planner introduction

(Download a 6 week  OJH_Countdown to Pesach, and a 1 page shortcut OJH Pesach planning calendar 2012 for writing your plans in.) This is part of those goals I keep mentioning. 😉 Before these 6 weeks, I try to reorganize and sort through closets and drawers so it just needs a real check, but just …

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Weekly goals

I’m trying to be intentional about my life and my home, without letting everything slip by. I want to grab hold of my time and get what I want out of it. And that means goals. If you’re a regular reader of this site, you know how I feel about goals. I can sum it …

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52 Week Challenge Week 8: Taxes and filing

(If you’re new to the challenges, check here for the intro and list.) TAXES: Now that 2011 is over, and you should have received all of your tax information, it’s really time to get to work! This year, Passover (April 6-14)  falls just before tax day (April 15) – and do you really want to …

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52 Week Challenge Week 7 Part 2: Games and Toys

I posted about how to keep things organized in Part 1. But how do you get there? This is something there really is no shortcut to doing. You should start by going through what you have now for toy storage and emptying it all out. I prefer to do this with no kids around, but …

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