Category: Yom Tov / Chag

Rosh Hashana shopping resources

It’s Elul, the month before we celebrate all month long (Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot). While there is certainly a lot of spiritual prep to do, I’ll leave that to others (some good starting points are: Chabad’s Elul page and Aish’s spirituality page). There is a lot that needs to be done to prepare our …

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Early prep for Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashana is just a little more than two weeks away – already! Here is what I’ve done or am planning to do so far this week: order seats for shul pay shul dues (ours have always been due about now for the different shuls we’ve belonged to in our travels) order lulav and etrog …

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Rosh Hashana Menu planning 2014

There is just a little over two weeks until Rosh Hashana. It’s coming quickly! Are you looking for some good recipe ideas? Me, too.  Here are some that I’ve found, focusing especially on the simanim we traditionally serve (Check out this article on simanim): Here’s a spiced carrot salad recipe that is best made ahead of time – perfect for …

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Tisha B’Av resources (Adults and kids)

Today is Tisha B’Av, and there are some great resources out there. Here are some links (I couldn’t check all of these out, so please screen them first, but they came from different groups I belong to): Tisha B’Av “camp” for kids: Videos and interactive elements , specifically for kids 3-7 but for anyone who …

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Preparing for Tisha B’Av -fasting

Next Monday is the start of the fast of Tisha B’Av, the day we mourn the for many things, especially the loss of our Temples. This is a 25 hour long fast – it starts at sundown and goes through sundown the next day. It’s during the summer, so the day is often hot in addition …

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Preparing for Tisha B’Av

Tisha B’Av is coming next week (Monday night, August 4th through Tuesday sunset, Aug 5th). Some practical things to consider and prepare: Fasters: Fasting is easier when you are well hydrated and moderately fed. Lessen or stop caffeine ahead of time. Drink lots of liquids, especially water, several days before and up to the fast. And don’t …

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The nine days started today (and meal ideas)

For the 9 days leading up to the fast of Tisha B’Av, we restrict certain things. One of these is food: we don’t eat meat (or drink wine) except for on Shabbat (or a few other circumstances, like a siyum.) (Note: Sefardim may observe these restrictions just in the week leading up to Tisha B’Av, …

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Shavuot menu 2014

Yikes! Shavuot is sneaking up on us! (Although we are still counting the Omer, say it shouldn’t really be “sneaking,” but it just struck me that it’s time to get moving on planning, so I feel like it’s sneaky.) We are still overseas, with very limited chicken available and no beef or lamb, so dairy …

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Shavuot is coming! (2014: Evening of June 3rd – 4th / 5th)

Shavuot is coming up quickly. Of course, if you’ve been counting the Omer, you know that! 😉 Shavuot is a holiday celebrating the giving of the Torah. In Israel, it’s a one day holiday, and outside of Israel, it’s a two day holiday. It is often a dairy holiday, although many people do a mix …

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Erev Pesach 2014 checklist

We’re counting down the days! Here’s the super high tech way I planned this last week – a word doc with the appropriate number of columns. 😉 Here’s my checklist for being sure I’ve covered everything. I actually write in all the times, add each part of the menu, and hang this on the refrigerator …

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