Tag: Parsha

Parsha project resources

I have some ideas of parsha projects here, but there are so many choices out there! Of course, Aish and Chabad have tons of things in their sites (see my parsha posts for specific links to some goodies). Here are a few others that are in my bookmarks: Parsha projects: crafts and snacks Parsha Cakes: …

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Permanent link to this article: https://organizedjewishhome.com/2011/11/03/parsha-project-resources/

Lech Lecha

Lech Lecha is this week’s parsha. It is a traditional place for a child to start reading and learning chumash. This parsha is where Avram (soon to be Avraham) takes a leap of faith and leaves his family home to set out for parts unknown, makes a detour to Egypt where his wife is kidnapped …

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Permanent link to this article: https://organizedjewishhome.com/2011/11/03/lech-lecha/

Parshat Noach (Noah)

This week’s Torah Parsha (portion) is Noach. It’s got a perfect man (Noach), a bunch of animals (and not just 2 of each, you know), a really big boat, some water (OK, a TON!), and a rainbow. And those are just some of the elements! This week, we’ve read the parsha a couple of times …

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Permanent link to this article: https://organizedjewishhome.com/2011/10/28/parshat-noach/