Menu plan Monday

We’re continuing on with the pantry/refrigerator/freezer challenge this week. Nothing much going on here this week that will affect our menu plan except 6 guests for Shabbat lunch.

Breakfasts: Yogurt and cereal with milk, pumpkin cream cheese muffins, plus fruit.

Lunches: Sandwiches, bagels, pasta.

Sunday: Zucchini soup and challah

Monday: (Clean Out the Refrigerator Night) CORN.

Tuesday: (Breakfast for dinner) Pancakes (somehow, we have a TON of syrup in the pantry)

Wednesday: Taco night (ground beef from the freezer)

Thursday: (Pasta night!) Pasta with garlic peanut sauce and breadsticks, veggie plate.

Friday: Challah, salads (zhug, olive tapenade, roasted eggplant salad, pepper salad, carrot salad, hummus), potato kugel, brown sugar noodle kugel, squash kugel, spice rubbed chicken.

Shabbat: Challah, salads, oriental chicken nuggets, potato kugel, brown sugar noodle kugel, squash kugel, chamin with jachnoon and brown eggs, shwarma pie, pumpkin spice cake with vanilla drizzle.

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