Va’eira: Resources and project ideas

Va’eira (in Shemot / Shemos)

English: Aaron's Rod Changed to a Serpent, ill...We continue the story of the exodus from Egypt this week in Va’eira (Vaera, Vayeira). God tells Moshe he will redeem the Israelites. Aaron and Moshe continually ask Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, and he continually refuses. Aaron’s staff turns into a snake, but Pharaoh’s magicians could do that, too. Then comes the first 7 plagues: Blood, frogs, lice, wild animals, animal sickness (pestilence), boils, and hail made of fire and ice. (To be continued in next week’s parsha…)

Links: Here are the Aish,, and Chabad pages on Vayera. Here are some coloring sheets, a parsha song, and a fun video from Itche Kadoozy (my older boys love this silly series).

Try out some baking ideas like these frog cookies

and / or some plague cupcakes.

Plagues ideas: there are so many possibilities here, and things you can actually do without the worry of chametz! Cookies, a lapbook, a picture for each of the plagues…

How about these fun puppets from Creative Jewish Mom?

Or “Hail” Chicken Rolls – white breaded chicken breast, stuffed with fiery-red stuffing? (Picture is from a different recipe, but you get the idea. Photo credit: Alexandra Moss.)

Phoenix and Dragon Chicken Rolls

Or Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart cookies?

Have a lot of time on your hands? How about a Vayera midrash manicure?

Science: talk about the science of mixing fire and ice. What happens to fire and ice when you mix them? Watch water turn red as you add dye, and talk about the importance of the water cycle.

Dish Soap and Water

Dish Soap and Water (Photo credit: Alyssa Nagle)

Talk about gratitude (was Pharoah grateful? Was Moshe? Why couldn’t he do the first few plagues?)

Gratitude Journal

Gratitude Journal (Photo credit: limevelyn)

Go to the zoo and check out animals like snakes, frogs, and other wild beasts

English: Phrynohyas resinifictrix in Warsaw zo...

Talk about when you can safely “stay out of it” and when you should get involved (Moshe and the Egyptian task masters…)

What are you doing this week? Any ideas to add?






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1 comment

    • Ruchie on January 19, 2012 at 9:52 am

    Enjoy these ideas for all the Parshiot. Here are some ideas for Vaeira. All the best. Ruchie

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