Where’s Amital?

Remember that old series “Where’s Waldo?”

I’ve been pretty quiet these last few weeks here on OJH. It’s been kind of like the calm after the storm – after we moved to a new continent and got most of the way settled in, I’ve just been in kind of a slump. There has been so much to do, and it’s so hard to find chunks of time with four small kids home all day. Which exacerbates my tendency to stay up late to finish things (I am quite literally a night owl since birth!), which then dulls me for the whole next day. Add to that the fact that we have less food options here, particularly when it comes to comfort foods, and that everything is just a little different. And we’re all home for the summer with no summer camp options and very limited friends or knowledge of the area in our new country.

I’ve been running to catch up and keep the status quo instead of effectively using my time and the kids’ for getting our house together, getting things done, and planning ahead. My time (and energy) has been managing me instead of the other way around lately. I’ve been reacting to life instead of creating the life I want.

But I’ve had enough. Time to find the motivation and move on.

This next few weeks, I’m working on getting back into a routine that works, preparing for Tisha B’Av, and getting ready for school. I’m planning some fun kiddo activities, too. If you’re interested in following along, maybe even need a little motivation yourself, stay tuned!

Now I’m off to write up our 9 day menu plan (and blog about it, too).

Permanent link to this article: https://organizedjewishhome.com/2012/07/17/wheres-amital/


    • Mommzy on July 18, 2012 at 1:43 am

    Amital, your post was just what I needed to hear today!
    “Stop reacting to life and start creating the life you want” – I think that’s brilliant!
    I too am home this summer with 5 little ones, no day camp, and a good part of me is going a wee bit loony to say the least,
    So sending hugs your way, and as they say, “Meshaneh Makom, Meshaneh Mazal!” Your new home should bring lots of new brachos!

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