Quiet down, cobwebs

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait ’til tomorrow, for babies grow up, I’ve learned to my sorrow. So quiet down, cobwebs; dust, go to sleep. I’m rocking my baby, and babies don’t keep. (Author unknown)

It’s been a baby day today. What does that mean? It means that about the only thing I got done today is…well, held my baby. And not by my choice. Today, I had grand grocery, laundry, and packing plans. I had some cooking and birthday cake making on the schedule, too. Big plans, I say. BIG!

Instead, my 5 month old boy needed to be held and comforted. He cried out every time I put him down, and wailed when things, such as the phone, intruded on his snuggle-with-Mommy-in-the-chair time. He is not normally like this, but today, he just wanted to be held.

No fever, no visible problems, but a very busy Mommy for several days. I think he was saying, “Don’t forget me, too, Mommy. I need you.”

So no grand plans today. No crossing off the multitude of things I have to do. And you know what? Sometimes, despite my inner do-er, that’s OK.

Permanent link to this article: https://organizedjewishhome.com/2010/01/05/quiet-down-cobwebs/

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