Seasons…of confusion?

The seasons and holidays play a huge role in orienting us in time. This is true no matter what holidays you celebrate!

For me, the spring holiday of Passover means a TON of physical and mental preparation. Really. And winter is just starting–but I am expecting a baby smack dab in that super-busy time of Passover. So I just started thinking about the winter holiday (Hanukkah) that is coming, but I have already starting making and revising lists and plans for Passover. My 6 weeks to go list. My menu plans, updated from years past, but edited to have no guests and low maintenance food. Foods to prepare ahead of time.  Meals before and after the holiday. Our wishlists, stuff to buy lists, things to do lists, and so many more…

It’s kind of throwing me off–you know what I mean? Our bodies and minds are used to expecting things around a certain time of year. Think what it would feel like (I guess I should add North of the equator) if Passover was a winter holiday, or Halloween was a summer holiday, or New Year’s meant fall. (OK, for Jews it does. But I’m thinking the secular new year here.)

Just saying it’s a little disconcerting!

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