Category: General Jewish

A call for chesed!

There are always people in need. This year, with our economy in the state that it is in, more than ever! Our local homeschool group has a chesed club, and when I called an eldercare group home nearby, there were so many needs going unmet. We have committed to fulfilling some of the needs as …

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Beautiful leaves, fruit, and vegetable art for our Sukkah!

Today, the older boys and I made some melted crayon shaving crafts for decorating our sukkah. They look really nice! Here’s the lowdown: Start by peeling and  shaving your crayons. We used our cheap craft table knives. (Do not use a pencil sharpener, though. It may seem like a good idea, but if you do …

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Chesed meals: Part 1

Those of us lucky enough to live in close communities are often blessed with meal after major life events (births, illnesses, and deaths–though may we all share only simchas!) As a recent recipient of (baby) meals, a frequent giver of meals, and a coordinator of a website with a large and active community calendar for …

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Spiritual preparations for Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah is the start of our year. It’s the beginning of the time of judgment. It’s a spiritual high point! Every year, as I go through the task of physically preparing for the holidays, it seems like spiritual preparations for me fall by the wayside. Yes, there is something spiritual about preparing the house …

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My #1 organizing tip

…is to have a book for your household! Whatever you call it (control journal, homemaker handbook, shalom bayit book, family manager notebook), this is a crucial book for keeping your household running smoothly. I call this my shalom bayit book (SBB). Shalom bayit is Hebrew for peace in the house – which is what we …

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Midday of Tisha B’Av approaches!

Chatzot, or halachic midday, is coming close. This is when I start preparing the meal to break our fast. This is also the time to start cleaning the house, especially the floors, in preparation for the coming of our redemption. Cleaning the house today is therapeutic. Today is a day of reflection, repentance, and somber …

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Tisha B’Av is coming!

Tisha B’Av is the day where we remember the many bad things that happened to Jews on this day, most particularly, the terrible loss of the holy Temples. It is a whole day fast from sundown to sundown, approximately 25 hours. First, DRINK. Drink a lot, starting a few days before the fast. Everyone should …

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A little off track…

So I got a little off track…I caught a tummy bug that left me so dehydrated and ill, I had my first ever visit to a hospital L and D and was admitted overnight for all sorts of IVs and medications (can you say OUCH for IV potassium?!) My tummy is still getting back to …

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To blog…or not?

I started this blog today. It’s something I have been thinking about for a long time, but I am not sure I want to really do it. For one thing, when I post something, it’s out there forever. This definitely requires careful censoring and is more than a little intimidating. But I have just joined …

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