Category: Homeschooling

Eikev: Resources and Ideas

Moshe continues his speech, promising that with the observance of mitzvot, they will prosper and grow in the promised land. He reminds them of their continued rebellions and complaining (hence the name of this week’s Itche Kadoozy video, “We whined a lot“). Moshe tells them about the land they will soon enter, and to destroy …

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Vaetchanan: Resources and ideas

Vaetchanan (AKA Vaeschanan) Continuing on with Moshe’s review of the Torah (from last week’s parsha), we hear about how Moshe begged to see Israel but was only allowed to glimpse it from afar. Moshe recounts the Exodus from Egypt, and predicts that future generations will be exiled and then gathered again. This parsha includes a …

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Getting Ready for 5773, 2 Pros With a Plan

Remember to tune in this coming Tuesday, July 31, 8:30 to 10 PM EST for a Torah Homeschool webinar: Join us for an exciting evening presenting 2 experienced homeschooling moms, Robin Alberg of Seattle, WA & Louise Fox of EY, who will discuss their approaches to organizing their family schedules. Opportunity for hands on agenda …

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Devarim: Resources and ideas

This week, we start our fifth and final sefer (book) of the Torah: Devarim. This whole book is basically a long speech from Moshe to the Israelites that recounts their journey and the Torah during the last 5 or so weeks of his life. Moshe begins with a general overview, rebuking the people for their …

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Matot-Massei: Resources and Ideas

This week is a double parsha. The Israelites war against Midian and the Torah gives a detailed account of the war spoils and how they were divided. Then the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh ask for the lands east of the JordanĀ  – it’s good pastureland. Moses is angry …

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Pinchas: Ideas and Resources

Aharon’s grandson is rewarded for killing the Israelite man and the Moabite princess from last week (Balak). The Israelites participate in a census that counts 601,730 men between the ages of twenty and sixty. Lots are drawn for land, and Tzelofchad’s daughters cause the rewriting of the laws of inheritance when they petition for land …

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Balak: Ideas and Resources

In this week’s parsha, the son of the Moabite king, Balak, wants to send a prophet named Bilam to curse Bnei Yisrael because of their strength. There are several delegations sent to convince Bilam, each promising more rewards, but because Hashem had said no, Bilam did not go. Then, Hashem said to go, and Bilam …

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Chukat / Chukas: Resources and ideas

In this week’s parsha, we get the seemingly random rules about how to use the ashes of a red heifer to purify someone who had been around a body. After 40 years of wandering, Miriam dies, and the Israelites complain they have no water. Moshe is told to speak to a rock, but instead becomes …

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Korach: Resources and ideas

In this week’s parsha, a man named Korach leads a rebellion against Moshe and Aharon. He and some others challenge the leadership. In addition, 250 followers bring a spice offering to show they should be Kohenim, too. In response, the earth swallows the rebel leaders and fire consumes the ketoret bringers. Then, bnei Yisrael complains …

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Shelach: Ideas and resources

In this week’s parsha, we tell the story of the spies who are sent to scope out Eretz Yisrael ahead of the Israelites. They come back with huge fruit and declare the land unconquerable — all except Caleb and Joshua. The Israelites complain and weep (like last week-sensing a theme?) Hashem delays their arrival for …

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