Category: Menu planning

Menu planning Monday (including a 3 day Rosh Hashanah!)

This week, thing are a little crazy. We have Rosh Hashanah from Wednesday on! I am cutting down on prep by making double the mashed potatoes: some for leek patties, which we eat on Rosh Hashanah, and some for dinner on Tuesday.  Most of my dishes are served twice here, too, to cut down on prep …

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Chesed meals (part 2): So what’s for dinner?

So far in this series, I’ve talked about what to do (and NOT to do) when sending a chesed meal (baby meal, shiva meal, meal for a family with an ill member, etc.). Part 1. Now, let’s talk about weekday food specifics: what’s for dinner? For a non-Shabbat (weekday) meal, the most sent option seems …

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Menu planning Monday

This week, we might be having a few guests for Shabbat but it hasn’t been confirmed yet, so the Shabbat menu is tentative. As always, we keep breakfast and lunch flexible depending on what we’re in the mood (for with the ingredients on hand.) Breakfasts: Yogurt, cereal, and eggs (and fruit) Lunches: Sandwiches, pizza bagels, …

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Chesed meals: Part 1

Those of us lucky enough to live in close communities are often blessed with meal after major life events (births, illnesses, and deaths–though may we all share only simchas!) As a recent recipient of (baby) meals, a frequent giver of meals, and a coordinator of a website with a large and active community calendar for …

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Menu plan Monday

This week, we are just having a few guests for Shabbat. Nothing too exciting to throw into the menu planning mix! As always, we keep breakfast and lunch flexible depending on what we’re in the mood (for with the ingredients on hand.) Breakfasts: Yogurt, cereal, and eggs (and fruit) Lunches: Sandwiches, pizza bagels, and quesadillas …

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Menu planning: the nitty gritty (Tishrei 2011 part 2)

Rosh Hashanah is the first of the holidays in Tishrei, and having a detailed plan for Rosh Hashanah helps you get it under control and done so you can enjoy the holiday. In part 1, we talked about preparation. Next comes menu planning! 1. Set your goal. 2. Menu planning. 3. Master Grocery Shopping List. …

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My #1 organizing tip

…is to have a book for your household! Whatever you call it (control journal, homemaker handbook, shalom bayit book, family manager notebook), this is a crucial book for keeping your household running smoothly. I call this my shalom bayit book (SBB). Shalom bayit is Hebrew for peace in the house – which is what we …

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Menu plan Monday

We’re continuing on with the pantry/refrigerator/freezer challenge this week. Nothing much going on here this week that will affect our menu plan except 6 guests for Shabbat lunch. Breakfasts: Yogurt and cereal with milk, pumpkin cream cheese muffins, plus fruit. Lunches: Sandwiches, bagels, pasta. Sunday: Zucchini soup and challah Monday: (Clean Out the Refrigerator Night) …

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Menu planning Monday

This week is a great example of how circumstances affect your meal plan! Over the weekend, we had what was supposed to be a hurricane with several days of power outages, etc. Thankfully, it was more like a rainstorm in this area, so we didn’t have any damage to deal with and our power is …

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Monday: Menu plan for the week

I’m working on a pantry/fridge/freezer challenge. So here we go! Monday: CORN (AKA Clean Out the Refrigerator Night): We have leftover sweet and sour meatball sandwiches (on challah rolls), some sides, and other odds and ends. Tuesday: been, cheese, and rice enchiladas (several cans of enchilada sauce in my pantry and bags of beans and …

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