Category: Menu planning

Food challenge!

We have been blessed with food. Lots of food! Add that to the fact that I tend to stock stuff away and then have a harder time using it, and you’ll see why I need to challenge myself several times a year to use what we have. OK, not only what we have. We still …

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Menu plan Monday

After some debate, I have adjusted my weekly template. It’s so hard to get a new recipe in on Tuesday with summer, travel, kids, etc. that for now, I’m changing it to breakfast for dinner (BFD) night! I also have some frozen ground beef I need to start using, so there is more than normal …

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Weekly menu plan

Breakfasts (we don’t mind the same thing several days, so I just have a few things on hand): Cereal with milk yogurt with toppings (fruit, granola, and chocolate chips) Toast with cream cheese and jam French toast casserole (Sunday–leftover Shabbat challah) Lunches: Macaroni and cheese Rice and veggies Corn on the cob and quesadillas Sandwiches …

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General weekly menu plan

Menu planning around here is casual but critical, and so different from how I started married life! I have a set group of things to keep in the house, and then I see what else we have and what’s on sale, and use that to base my menus on. Plus I have a backup list …

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Pantry inventory, raid, and planning!

I find it amazing that with shelves of food, I still find that I need to shop to make meals! I do  tend to buy what is on sale, and buy in bulk if it’s a good sale, so that builds up my stores. But since sales are on a 12 week cycle, sometimes I …

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My family’s no-fail meals

A list of my family’s current no-fail meals

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Thoughts on menu planning

I find a combo of planning with ads and being able to adapt works best for me. I have a list of no-fail meals that I always have ingredients on hand for–things everyone in the family (or almost everyone) likes. I buy those staples when they are on sale and keep my pantry stocked. I …

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Menu planning – forward or backward?

I always used to plan my menus and then my shopping list based on those menus. More recently, I brought out the ads and integrated them during menu planning, trying to use what’s on sale. But lately, that has changed. Lately, I’ve been going through my cupboards and making notes of what is there, and …

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Menu planning and freezer organization

As my baby is approaching 6 months old, I need to clean out my freezer from all of the foods that I stocked up on shortly before his birth. I try to do this about twice a year so nothing gets freezer burned or gets missed and wasted. The way I go about it is …

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