Category: Parsha

Chukat / Chukas: Resources and ideas

In this week’s parsha, we get the seemingly random rules about how to use the ashes of a red heifer to purify someone who had been around a body. After 40 years of wandering, Miriam dies, and the Israelites complain they have no water. Moshe is told to speak to a rock, but instead becomes …

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Korach: Resources and ideas

In this week’s parsha, a man named Korach leads a rebellion against Moshe and Aharon. He and some others challenge the leadership. In addition, 250 followers bring a spice offering to show they should be Kohenim, too. In response, the earth swallows the rebel leaders and fire consumes the ketoret bringers. Then, bnei Yisrael complains …

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Shelach: Ideas and resources

In this week’s parsha, we tell the story of the spies who are sent to scope out Eretz Yisrael ahead of the Israelites. They come back with huge fruit and declare the land unconquerable — all except Caleb and Joshua. The Israelites complain and weep (like last week-sensing a theme?) Hashem delays their arrival for …

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Behaalotecha: Ideas and resources

In this week’s parsha, we learn a little about the menora, the tribe of Levi starts serving in the Mishkan, the Second Passover is started, we hear how a cloud and fire led the Israelites. Silver trumpets led the Israelites, and there was complaining by the Israelites despite the miraculous manna Hashem sent. Quail were …

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Naso: Ideas and resources

In this (long!) parsha, we finish up the census. Then Hashem instructs us on several things: how to handle the isha sota (a woman suspected of adultery), the laws for a nazir (a person who takes on special vows), and how the kohenim bless the people. When someone sins against Hashem, the victim should be …

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Bamidbar: Ideas and resources

This week, we begin a new book: Bamidbar (Numbers).  It is very fitting, then, that is starts with a census! There were 603,550 men of ages 20 to 60 years and the tribe of Levi, which was counted seperately, numbered 22,300 males one month or older. The tribe of Levi breaks down, carries, and assembles …

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Behar-Bechukotai: Resources and ideas

This week, we have another double parsha. We learn the laws of the years, including the Shemitah laws every 7 years and the laws of the Jubilee year (every 50). We are told that Hashem will protect and remember us, but if we don’t  obey we will receive a harsh punishment (exile). Links: Here are …

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Emor: Resources and Ideas

This week, we have a pretty wide spread of topics. We learn about the Kohenim, and what they can and can’t do. We learn some laws about kindness to animals and what you can/can’t do with a newborn calf. We review the festivals, talk about lighting the menora, and talk about the lechem hapanim. And …

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Acharei – Kedoshim: Resources and ideas

After Nadav and Avihu died, Hashem warns us about entering the Kedosh Kedoshim except for the Cohen Gadol on Yom Kippur. We also hear about the two goats, one offered to Hashem and one sent to the wilderness with our sins. In Kedoshim, we get many  mitzvot : Shabbat, honesty, charity, and the often-quoted “Love your …

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Tazria + Metzora: Resources and Ideas

This week, we have a double parsha. The basic idea of each of these parshiot is tahara (ritual purity) and tuma (ritual impurity). We learn about the mikva, laws after giving birth, circumcising an 8 day old son, and “spiritual leprosy” (tzaarat) of the house, garment, or person. Yikes. It’s a tough week to make …

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