Category: Parsha

Shmeni: Resources and ideas

In this parsha, the kohenim begin their service. Two of Aaron’s sons, Nadav and Avihu, offer a “strange fire before G-d, which He commanded them not” and die. We also get the laws of kosher and non-kosher animals and learn about the purifying power of a mikvah. I know we’re all coming down (or is …

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Passover Torah Reading

This week, we are reading the Passover Torah readings – no regular parsha. The readings are in Shemot / Exodus and Vayikra / Leviticus (see details on each reading here.) We reread the important parts of the exodus from Mitzrayim (Egypt). If you’re looking for some Passover activities and crafts, have I got a list …

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Tzav: Resources and ideas

Tzav continues on with the theme of sacrifices: who, how, what goes where, etc. We also hear a little about the meal offering. At the end, Aaron and his sons are purified and are initiated as cohenim. I’ve got to be honest and say we aren’t doing too much with the parsha this week – …

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Vayikra: Resources and ideas

This week, we start a whole new sefer (book): Vayikra / Leviticus. The big focus this week is on the different types of korbanot / sacrifices: which kind, who, and what. Because this is the Shabbat before Rosh Hodesh Nissan, we also read Hachodesh (Exodus 12:1–20). This section reviews Jewish calendar (with Nissan as its …

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Vayachel-Pekudei: Resources and ideas

This week is a double parsha. We’re continuing on with the mishkan, reviewing what to make, the clothing for the cohenim, and then actually making the pieces and assembling the mishkan. Bnei Yisrael gave and gave of the precious materials needed, so much so that Moshe had to ask them to stop! After everything is …

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Ki Tisa (Ki Sisa): Resources and ideas

In this week’s parsha, the Israelites each contribute a half shekel as a census. When Moshe is “late” returning from meeting with Hashem on Mt Sinai, the people make a golden calf to worship. Moshe pleads for their lives, and returns with the first luchot (the tablets on which the 10 commandments are written), which …

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Parsha projects: Tetzaveh

This week, we had some fun with the parsha, despite the difficulty of a parsha filled with logistics. (See ideas and resources here). First, we made the graham cracker choshen (breastplate) with the ideas from this link. Except we didn’t have a lot of peanut butter, so I made frosting. A little sweet for an …

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Tetzaveh (and Zachor): Ideas and resources

This week continues the directions for preparing the mishkan (tabernacle): we hear about the menora and its oil, the clothing of the kohanim (and kohan gadol), how to purify Aaron and his sons, and how to make the golden altar for incense. Zachor, a three verse snippet (Shemot/Deuteronomy 25:17–19), is read the week before Purim, …

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Teruma: Resources and project ideas

This week, the Israelites are commanded to give 15 materials to make the portable  Mishkan – the Tabernacle or sanctuary.  Moshe gets the detailed plans direct from Hashem on Mount Sinai, and the people make special woven curtains, the ark, menora, copper basin, and more. This week’s parsha is full of details on building the …

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Mishpatim: Resources and Ideas

This week’s parsha is full of laws: of the indentured servant, the penalties for murder, kidnapping, assault and theft, civil laws, loans, the conduct of justice by courts of law, treatment of foreigners, the observance of the festivals, the prohibition against cooking meat with milk, and the mitzvah of prayer.  And more, of course. Altogether, …

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