Category: Parsha

Yitro (Yisro): Resources and ideas

Yitro This week’s parsha picks up after the Israelites leave Egypt and cross the red sea (in Parshat Beshalach): Moshe meets up with his father in law, Yitro, and his wife and sons. Yitro, a great thinker of this time, advises him to set up a system of judges and courts to administer justice. And …

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Beshalach: Resources and project ideas

Beshalach: This week’s parsha picks up where Bo left off: the Israelites are leaving Egypt! Except that Pharaoh again changes his mind and chases them to the Red Sea, where Hashem used Moshe to split the Red Sea so the Israelites could walk through. A miracle! When the Israelites complained to Moshe about a lack …

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The plague of darkness (Bo/Passover)

In this week’s parsha (Bo), we get the last three of the ten plagues of Egypt. One of these is darkness-but not just darkness. It was a blackness so heavy the Egyptians couldn’t move anywhere! Here is what we did for the kids (similar to this.) We started by shaving and chopping dark colored crayons …

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Parshat Bo Shabbat menu

This week, we’re making Pesach without the pressure of the real Pesach. 🙂 That’s right, I said it. The “P” word. If you’re like many people, just saying Pesach or Passover is something that might make you breathe a little faster. Some people like to start really early, some start the day before. But hey, …

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Bo: Resources and project ideas

This week’s parsha starts with two plagues: locusts and darkness. Hashem hardens Pharaoh’s heart so he doesn’t let the Israelites go. Then comes the one that breaks Pharoah: the death of the firstborn. The Israelites get their first mitzvah: to establish a calendar based on the moon. Then we get instructions on the Passover sacrifice …

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Va’eira: Resources and project ideas

Va’eira (in Shemot / Shemos) We continue the story of the exodus from Egypt this week in Va’eira (Vaera, Vayeira). God tells Moshe he will redeem the Israelites. Aaron and Moshe continually ask Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, and he continually refuses. Aaron’s staff turns into a snake, but Pharaoh’s magicians could do that, too. …

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Shemot (Shemos): Resources and project ideas

Shemot / Shemos The Israelites multiply in Egypt, and Pharaoh starts to fear them. He commands the midwives to kill the male newborns, but they don’t. Moshe (Moses) is born and put into a basket in the river, where Pharaoh’s daughter finds and raises him in the palace. Moshe sees the hardship of the Jews …

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Vayechi: Resources and project ideas

Vayechi Summary: This parsha closes out both the life of Yakov and of Yosef. First, we see Yakov’s remaining 17 years. He blesses Ephraim and Menashe and each of his sons–not equal blessings, but something unique to each. Then he dies and his body is carried in a long processional and buried in the Cave …

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Vayigash: Resources and project ideas

Parshat Vayigash: Here we clear up the cliffhanger from last week’s parsha and finish the story of Yosef. When Yosef sees their loyalty, he reveals who he is and forgives them for selling him. He gives them lavish gifts. The brothers go back and get their father, who lives out his life in Egypt with …

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Parshat Mikeitz: project updates and photos

Here is how our parsha projects this week (Mikeitz) turned out. We drew and laminated fat and skinny cows. We made some goblets (like Yosef’s), some dreidles, and some gelt out of clay, and later painted them. We found and made other things around the house to include in our I-spy boxes. We put rice …

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