Category: Parsha

Mikeitz: Resources and project ideas

Parshat Mikeitz This week, we continue on Yosef‘s story, picking back up with him in Egypt. While in jail, he had interpreted a dream for the wine steward, and Pharoah had some dreams that no one can interpret (involving cows and grains), so he gets Yosef out to interpret.  Pharoah is pleased, and lets him …

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Vayeshev: Resources and project ideas

This week really starts the saga of Yosef (Joseph), one of Yaakov’s sons. We see him being favored by his father and offered a coat of many colors, which then contributes to the brothers deciding to kill him (in addition to his own ill-advised words)–only they sell him to a band of people going by. …

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Vayishlach: Resources and Project ideas

Oh boy, does this parsha have some delicate concepts. Like the rape of Dina and killing all the males of the city? Rachel dying in childbirth? Yeah. We’re not really going there yet (the men kidnapped and hurt Dina, and Shimon and Levi rescued her, killing everyone like Hashem said, Rachel died). We talked about …

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Vayetzei: Links and Resources

This week, we see Yaakov fleeing from Esav. On the way, he lays his head on a rock (or 12 small rocks that fought to be under his head and were transformed into 1, according to midrash) and sleeps. Hashem visits his dream of angels on a ladder, and tells him he will bless him. …

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Toldot (Toldos): Resources and Links

This week’s parsha is full of things we wouldn’t normally talk to our kids about (except for some to say not to do them!): Infertility struggles for Yitzchak and Rivka, eventually resulting in a difficult pregnancy and twins Esau and Yaakov, parents favoring one child, kids fighting and selling a birthright for a bowl of …

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Chayei Sarah project photos

Chayei Sarah: My kids did a reenactment of this part of the parsha with little people. (Yes, “Rivka” is carrying a kitty. Pretend that it’s a water jug, OK?) Then we did the wedding cake balls we decided upon (recipe here.) Messy, but really fun – and we got friends to help out, too! Last, …

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Chayei Sarah: Resources and ideas!

This week’s parsha is Chayei Sarah, the life of Sarah. It starts with…her death. Avraham buries her in a cave he purchases. A family servant goes out in search of a women to marry Yitzchak, finds Rivka because of her kindness, and Yitchak marries her. Avraham remarries (and fathers other sons) and dies. He is …

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Parshat Vayeira: resources and projects

This week’s parsha is Vayeira. As usual, a lot happens here: Abraham hosts three angels, who predict Sarah becoming pregnant. Sarah laughs. The angels rescue Lot from Sodom as it burns, while his wife turns into a pillar of salt. Yitzchak (Isaac) is born and has his brit. Then Abraham is commanded to sacrifice his …

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Parsha project resources

I have some ideas of parsha projects here, but there are so many choices out there! Of course, Aish and Chabad have tons of things in their sites (see my parsha posts for specific links to some goodies). Here are a few others that are in my bookmarks: Parsha projects: crafts and snacks Parsha Cakes: …

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Lech Lecha

Lech Lecha is this week’s parsha. It is a traditional place for a child to start reading and learning chumash. This parsha is where Avram (soon to be Avraham) takes a leap of faith and leaves his family home to set out for parts unknown, makes a detour to Egypt where his wife is kidnapped …

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